Previous Nicks: Mercury , Ultron , Strange , Vietnam , asdaf , BullDoG.
Previous Clans: ON and KF.
Please also list all the clans that you have applied to in the past 6 months and the results:
MK - SS and the result were some fast departure from the clan.
Real First Name:
Ping in European servers:168-175
Time Playing VC:MP: Since 2016
Average Hourly Play: 3-4 hours
Average Days Play: 5 days
Most Used Server(s): Europen City and Evolution A/D.
Why are you interested in joining ULK?
I want to join ULK because it is a very cool clan and it has a big reputation and the mebers are nice and I see the members communicating very well and I would like to be part of that.I have really good skills and I get along with other players.My English is normal and grammer too.I might suck at some times but not always.
Each day I improve my skills and attitude.I really would like to be part of the clan and help.I might know only 2 members, but that's why im here to meet all the ULK members.
It's seems the most good clan Give chances act like the best I want to Remove my miserable past it was the worst in VC:MP and I'm trying to fix it and to be more nicer and have a good attitude.Sometime I was thinking to join a clan which has members who have a nice attitude and can be admirable and I found this clan. I really have some personal interest to join this clan and also I like to socialize with new people.
If you have been in (a) previous clan(s), please describe the circumstances that have resulted in your departure.
ON - 1 years ago, I was invited by Fox and we started to playing together, it was great time with him but finnaly I left.
KF - It wasn't fit for me.
Why do you think we should accept you into our clan?
Because I liked this video and watch it per 10 times :D member(s) do you know well?
Radon - I remember you radon :D
Zeodex - He is a great person with good skills and I know him very well.
Can you attend training sessions on Sunday, GMT 9 pm?
Why not.
Do you have IRC?
Do you have Mumble and Teamspeak?
You must like this video and watch it ten times. Information:
ULK is a great clan and they have experience, they are serious players and they have good skills and attitude.I really like the clan and I think that I have the necessary skills to join the clan and represent it proudly. I would like you to know that I am a serious player, I like playing in team, I have experience and I can take right decisions, it would be an honor for me to be part of this.