Nickname:Gres Previous Nicks:Motorola Previous Clans:UK Please also list all the clans that you have applied to in the past 6 months and the results:no
Real First Name:Ayoub Age:20 Gender:Male Location:Morocco Ping in European servers:90-120
Time Playing VC:MP:7 year Average Hourly Play:6-5 Hrs Average Days Play:everyday Most Used Server(s):littlewhitey's
Why are you interested in joining ULK?:Because he is one of the oldest server I loved this
If you have been in (a) previous clan(s), please describe the circumstances that have resulted in your departure:I did not have any problem I want to replaced New clans
Why do you think we should accept you into our clan?:I will be loyal to this clan forever.
Which member(s) do you know well?:Slow
Can you attend training sessions on Sunday, GMT 9 pm: I Cant
Do you have IRC?: Yes Nick Gres
Do you have Mumble and Teamspeak?:I have
Additional Information: